Commercial Ceiling Fans Improve Circulation at Public Rest Area | Big Ass Fans
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Conrad, MT

Case Study: Conrad Rest Area

Working with Big Ass Fans made all the sense in the world - Isis gives us the air movement we need and fits with the overall modern characteristics of the building. It arrived on time and installation was easy. It really is a match made in heaven. Brian Johnson, Architect at Collaborative Design Architects

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Think rest areas are gross? Not this one! When the Montana Department of Transportation set out to reconstruct rest areas across the state, they selected teams of architects, engineers and contractors to design beautiful, thoughtful roadside facilities. For one rest area near Conrad, Architect Brian Johnson of Collaborative Design Architects wanted to create an energy-efficient central space that felt clean and open. Air movement was vital to that vision.


Johnson included a 10-ft (3.1-m) Isis® by Big Ass Fans® in the design of the rest area. “I knew that’s what I wanted to use from day one,” Johnson said. The fan creates steady airflow throughout the building, working with natural ventilation to keep the space feeling fresh and eliminating stagnant pockets of dead air. During Montana’s brutal winters, the fan helps push rising warm air from the in-floor radiant heat system back down to occupant level. It keeps the space cozy while reducing energy consumption—even with outside temperatures as low as -40°F/C.

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