Commercial Ceiling Fans at Fair Venues| Big Ass Fans
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Grand Island, NE

Case Study: Nebraska State Fair

We're signing up shows faster than we can accommodate, simply because the word spread about how comfortable the barns are because of our Big Ass Fans. Van Neidig, Board Member

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Nobody wants to hang out in a barn full of pigs with stagnant air — including the pigs. A lack of air movement in the 100,000-sq-ft (9,290-sq-m) sheep, cattle and swine barns at the Nebraska State Fairgrounds meant unpleasant conditions for livestock and visitors alike. The fairgrounds’ events area has an HVAC system, but it required a great deal of energy to keep spectators comfortable in the summer. In winter, hot air became trapped at the peak of the high ceilings, not doing much good for the two- and four-legged occupants at floor level.


A fleet of Big Ass Fans® were installed in both facilities, bringing comfort to the sweltering people and animals. “It’s monumental when the outdoor temperature is 90°F (32.2°C), and you can maintain an ambient temperature of 70°F (21.1°C), with 1,100 head of cattle in the barn,” said Van Neidig, Nebraska State Fair board member. Neidig estimates Big Ass Fans have reduced the air conditioner runtime in the events arena by 80 percent, dramatically reducing energy costs. The fans have answered the call in winter as well, increasing comfort by pushing warmer air from the barns’ high ceilings to occupant level.

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