Innovative Hot-Workout Gym Uses Commercial Ceiling Fans | Big Ass Fans
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Chicago, IL

Case Study: The Mercury Method

Our Isis fans are like a sculpture - they're just gorgeous. We are really happy with them! These fans can improve air circulation, cool people down, or heat up a room faster and more efficiently. Darren Press, Owner

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The Mercury Method, a revolutionary workout, requires a consistent room temperature of 98.6°F (37°C). To achieve that temperature in time for classes, owner Darren Press had to turn his heater on around 3:30 AM and let it run for hours. He needed a solution to spread hot air around the room faster without increasing energy costs. It was important that the solution provide air circulation to keep clients comfortable without disturbing the controlled temperature of the room.


Press selected two 8-ft (2.4-m) diameter Isis® fans by Big Ass Fans® for the workout room. He runs both fans at all times, dialing the speed up or down based on the need during certain times of day. The fans work in conjunction with his HVAC system to reduce the time it takes to heat the building and decrease energy costs. A lot of sweating occurs at The Mercury Method, but the fans help dry the room and disperse stagnant air without breaking a sweat.

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